Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Email of the Day/Life Update

So, I'm pretty sure that I took this the wrong way when I read it, but I just HAD to share:

"Thank you for such a great experience! This was my first time I ever did something like this, and someone else entered thanks today was so much fun :)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"

I hope that July is treating you lovely lambs well. Its going pretty well for me being that I've made it to the homestretch of "The Gates" without biting anyone. I hope you all are watching. It would ensure job security for myself and I would appreciate you greatly.

John's birthday is this weekend. He is turning (shh) 28. Such a precious angel. Here is a current photo of that darling boy:

That's him there on the left celebrating a USA win in the World Cup. He is in futbol heaven since that little world-wide tournament has been going on.

Well, I've missed you all. Perhaps I will be coming around more often now that my life has slowed from a dead sprint to a measly gallop. Happy Holidays, friends!


melissa said...
