Well I've started working on 21 Jump Street (the movie, not a TV series)... finding those crazy extras, etc. etc. I'm in New Orleans again, loving life, making new friends, connecting with old friends and having a blast. Here is a little photo gallery of some shiz that has been going down.

Behold: The ambiance at the bar across the street from my office, The Bridge Lounge. They have a great patio as well as some great house drinks. I had a 'Porch Swing' which was similar to a Pimm's Cup - a signature New Orleanian drink made with cucumbers. Yum.
This is my Royal Wedding commemorative item that my dear friend, Charles Rapp (some call him C. Rapp, or just Crap) brought me from the Holy Land, i.e. the UK - home of the royals.

Apparently the Royal Wedding isn't as big of a deal here as it is in North Louisiana. Every time I ask if anyone is going to the bar at 6am to watch it and drink Sloe Gin cocktails, everyone looks at me like I'm insane. Whatev.
Here are some photos from my newest discovery which is a little place along the river behind Audubon Park called "The Fly"

I met all of these people there. They are co-workers and their friends. It was a super cool place and I intend to return soon. Maybe on a Saturday to read a book or something.
This was the final picture as I left. What a Crescent City-ish photo! Thanks iPhone!

More updates soon to come!
Nice pics. I was really hoping you were going to get a replica of Kate's ring.
You and me both. But you will be happy to know that Avon is currently selling them.
Looks like your having fun! Miss ya!
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