Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally, 5 Minutes to Blog!

Life has been crazy lately. My work week has shifted from Monday - Friday to Tuesday - Saturday. It is harder than you think to pretend that Sundays are Saturdays, but I am trying my hardest.

The only semi-entertaining photo that I've manage to snap lately is from the parking lot of Target:

Although it may be hard to tell from such a photo, that is INDEED blue glitter paint. Ah, Shreveport never seems to fail me as far as rendering me speechless.

Well, this weekend is the Britney concert. I have managed to swap shifts with a girl at work in order to guarantee that I am outta here in time to get showered and slip into my red spandex onesie for the concert. I cannot wait!!! Carie and Julie, you girls had better start rehearsing your Britney lyrics, because I am going to know them all! Woot!

In other news, I may or may not have shared this information, but I am going to be an uncle again since my brother and sis in law are having a baby boy. Cooper Keithy. What an angel. Okay... off to run more errands... AND to watch the Big Brother finale!


melissa said...

a red spandex onesie! I can't wait to see pics!

melissa said...

oh! and miss you lots!