Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tax Day Party!

One of my favorite things is reminiscing with old friends. Last night, my roommate Nance, and one of my best friends since second grade, The Mark Crawford (voted Senior Class Favorite) got together and visited at Copeland's of New Orleans. We decided that we were celebrating the end of Tax Season. Nance made a good point about why the restaurant was nearly empty: "It makes no sense to have an overpriced Cajun chain restaurant in a town full of rednecks that can make all this stuff themselves at home... and better." Well played, Nance. Below you will find a photo taken with Mark's phone (hence the blurriness... although this could have been an operator error).

So we sat around the table in this nearly empty restaurant telling Nance stories of high school when we were robbed of Most Humorous, about how ridiculous and slutty some of our friends were and still are, amongst many other topics.

I had a few drinks... (It was Happy Hour!) and they were delicious! They were called Pontchartrain Beach Martinis! I highly recommend them for a fun evening of catching up.

This gathering made me think about all of the people in my life that I love. I have a great family and friends and sometimes I don't show that to them. This past year and a half has been difficult on me and my stress level due to an unsteady job with unreliable income and it seems that I have taken this out on the people that I love. Unintentionally, I've started to alienate myself and withdraw from things that I enjoy doing. So... thank you Tax Day for bringing this to my attention. Starting now, I am going to be a better friend. I want to be a person that my loved ones can depend on.

Thanks Tax Day (or the IRS?) for enlightening me!


Anonymous said...

That was A LOT of fun, and yes, the blurry picture is due to operator error.

Kate said...

Seriously... how many flashes were there?

Anonymous said...

Umm ... I think you found the sluttiest picture of me for your "girls" photo! I think I looked like that in all of the photos from that night though!

Kate said...

Who could resist that face? That was one of the funnest weekends of my life! It had to be shared. It was either this picture or the one in the pool.