Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday To John!!!!

Today is John's 27th Birthday and since he is such a precious angel, I decided to dedicate a blog entry to him. Below are pictured some of my favorite times that I've had with him:

John (Caesar) and Rex Rupert (John the Baptist) sing "You Might Think" by The Cars at my '07 Toga Birthday Party

England is his favorite country.

John loves a good miniature golf game.

Classic Photo from San Diego trip last summer at the SD Art Museum

He meets the Gateway Arch in St. Louis for the first time.

He dresses as a childhood icon (Ric Flair) for my 26th Halloween Birthday. RIP Michael Jackson and his "Thriller" dance.

He enjoys Mardi Gras parties (and king cake) at the Martin's home.

Speaking of Martin's, John and Eric sing a duet at Eric's wedding shower.

John meets Rachel The Pig in Seattle.

John gets attacked by an octupus at the aquarium.

He meets another childhood icon: The Million Dollar Man at the DFW airport.

As you can see, John is a very complex character who is very special and dear to my heart. I love him very much! Happy Birthday honey!


melissa said...

So sweet! Happy Bday John!

Kate said...

Seriousy, can he and Eric exchange numbers? :)

Cari said...

Every time you mention that your significant other resembles John Belushi, I think of how my significant other looks exactly like John Larroquette, during the Night Court era. And then I wonder, which is worse?

Kate said...

Cari- that is hysterical and Curtis really does. Well played.

Jamie said...

John (as I call him in real life b/c I never hear is given name) is one hilarious and fun guy- I mean seriously, he'll pose for anything!!

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

The lizard/dragon shot remains my absolute favorite.