Thursday, July 2, 2009

She's Baaaaack!

Well, it seems like I have been gone for a month, but alas, readers, I have returned from the best vacation ever. John and I had a wonderful time in Seattle. Everything went as well as it could have gone and we both proclaimed to each other that we were experiencing 'Not Wanting To Go Home Syndrome.' Usually we would both be itching to get back but this time we weren't. We've decided to 'summer' in Seattle. So that is that.

All in all, I probably took around 700 photos whilst there, but they are all on my computer at home so I can't share any of them at this time. However, today is your lucky day. While we were there, the one evening that I forgot my camera, John and I ended up having the most entertaining two hours of our lives. We went to a place called The Can Can. You can assume that it is exactly what you think it may be. A burlesque underground club/restaurant. John was thrilled, not only to be at a burlesque show, but to also be responsible for taking all of the photos via Roxanne and then emailing them to me. These are the few images that he captured:
This is me having a Manny's Pale Ale. I'm pretty sure it was a local brew. It was delicious. Also, it was extremely dark in The Can Can and that is why I am so illuminated by the flash (not because I'm pale or anything). We were lucky enough to not be right upon the stage, because we got this nifty overhead lighting:
Since we were underground, this was above us. We could see the shadows of feet walking above us, which was really cool. So after we ate, the show began. It was basically a 4-Man show of the 'Can Can Castaways' and they did a bunch of different dance routines. Sometimes they were all together, sometimes it was a solo or sometimes it was two of them. Once I saw some boobs with star sequined pasties. This is a photo that John took of the four of them. One is dressed as a squirrel, one as a raccoon, one as an owl, and one as a unicorn:

The Unicorn was my very favorite. His name was Faggedy Randy. The other guy calls himself Jonny Boy. Then there were two girls. One's name is Rainbow and the other is Fiona Minx. I called them Trena and Hillary because they resembled two girls I know. Trena claimed to be the choreographer but was always behind a little bit. I decided that I want Hillary's body. Here is a mural that adorns the walls walking into the Can Can:
From right to left: Jonny Boy, Trena, Faggedy Randy and Hillary. If you're bored you should visit their website: . All in all, the show was awesome and the food was good too. A fun evening was had by both.


melissa said...

I'm so glad your back!!! That place looks like lots of fun!

Elizabeth said...

Next time, you need to check out Seattle's smaller, but just-as-hip neighbor to the South...Portland, Oregon!

Jamie said...

I need to visit this lil' joint.