Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Things That Will Most Likely Never Happen

Yesterday I decided to take a walk around the Cob. I haven't done this activity in years, I kid you not. I figured that it may be a good idea to become more active before I develop more artery placque or premature diabetes. So off I went. I was walking along at a brisk pace, hoping to not come across anyone I know (or don't know for that matter) and I stumbled across some tennis courts. Who knew?!? It's nice to know what my Homeowner Dues go toward other than the maintenance of my 2' x 4' lawn.

This takes me back to a few weeks ago where John and I decided that every Tuesday and Thursday we are going to play tennis together (not that we even know how) in order to hopefully, become more attractive people. (Keep in mind that this conversation was over two weeks ago.) Ok so the first set of Tuesday/Thursdays it rained. The second set of Tuesday/Thursdays I napped one of the days and we went to eat with my parents the other day. Okay... so we are on week #3 of procrastination and I'm hoping that we can actually play. Or just hit the ball back and forth to each other. I don't plan on this being too exhausting or actually happening, for that matter.


melissa said...

sounds fun! I'll come watch!

Anonymous said...

I think I would like tennis.

Kate said...

We should go play someday. I have courts apparently.

Laury said...

i recently started taking tennis lessons for the same reason...and now realize that i suck and have no athletic ability whatsoever.

Kate said...

Laury, I remember our tennis playing abilities in college when we had to go watch Jerrad and Leighton. I'm sure we could keep up with each other if you would like to have a match.