Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Secret Guilty Pleasure

I fear that this post may be cause for some of my friends to delete me from their lives, and I'm semi-embarrassed to admit this, but I LOVE this show:

Paris Hilton's My New BFF Season 2. This show is so ridiculous and so dumb that for whatever reason, I am mesmerized by it. On last night's episode, Queen Paris (who for whatever reason is constantly wearing a bejewelled headband and thinks it is cute to talk/squeak like a twelve year old) introduced the wannabe BFF's to her friend Mark. Mark is engaged and getting married in three weeks. So basically she had the BFF's take him out for his bachelor party as this week's challenge. They get there and these girls/boy get wasted!! One girl (Monica) gives Mark a lap dance where you could see her vagina as well as her entire breasts (it wasn't a pretty sight, as she is not a Size 2 like Paris is. Not that that would be a pretty sight anyway), and then another girl (Arika) makes out with Mark, all while Paris is watching nearby.

The morning following the party, Paris arrives in her pink Bentley and has all of the girls come outside for a meeting. Except for Arika (Paris had Onch keep her inside and told her that she had a surprise for her. By the way, this is Onch:

Onch is the most ridiculous character I have EVER seen on television. He/She was a former contestant of Paris' first season of the BFF show and ended up losing. However, he is such a character that she brought him with her as her 'Pet' to this season. Onch is a man who thinks he is a woman. He dresses and talks like a 15 year old school girl. So, I guess you could say that he is transgender. One more photo of Onch just for fun: And yes those are Mickey Mouse-Hair ears)

So anyway, Onch finally brought Arika outside to her 'surprise' which included Arika doing the walk of shame and apologizing to Mark for making out with him and behaving like a backstabbing slut. THEN, Paris brought out Mark's fiance and had Arika apologize to her, just before dismissing her from the show.

I was so embarrassed for her!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, that has to be the worst, right? Then Paris kicked Monica (Vagina-Flasher) off the show for being so slutty in public saying that Paris had a mental image of her vagina etched into her brain. I was sort of proud of Paris for doing that. Maybe she does have some values? Eh, probably not.

When Paris dismisses a contestant from her show, she even manages to add insult to injury by telling them: T.T.Y.N. (Talk To You Never.) I believe I have a new slogan to add to my abbreviated speak. I can't get enough!


Jamie said...

I cannot even read this. So disappointed, dear Kate...

Kate said...

Whatever Jamie. TTYN.

Anonymous said...

I can't do anything related to Paris Hilton. BUT ... I did recently become addicted to The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Highly entertaining. Even Kidd Kraddick says it's the best reality show on right now.

karlyr10 said...

i love this show too Kate it is a complete trainwreck!!! so dont feel bad.. i also must say LOVEEEE onch!!

Cari said...

I am now dumber after reading this.

Kate said...

Thanks Cari! i love it because of the train-wreck factor.